Cashflow Forecasting

It is not always simple to know where your finances may stand in five, ten, fifteen or even twenty five years. 

We can help alleviate the uncertainty by using Cashflow Forecasting software to illustrate and model the financial future scenarios you will encounter.

If you are planning to pay for school fees, but unsure if you can afford them, or perhaps saving for a buy-to-let property but unsure how to manage your finances in order to secure a second mortgage, using a cashflow forecast to calculate the growth rates you need to achieve to meet your defined financial objectives is extremely beneficial. 

This rate of growth can then be compared to and analysed alongside your attitude to risk in order to ensure the expectations of return you have are in line with the risk return profile of the investments you hold. 

Cashflow forecasting can also be used to highlight a need to invest more, or more aggressively, or to reallocate assets in order to achieve the returns necessary to fund the financial goals you hold. 

Especially useful in retirement planning, Cashflow forecasting can also be used to analyse the level of pension contributions required in order to maintain a standard of living well into retirement, and to consider the possibility of unforeseen costs that may distract from the financial goals you wish to attain. 


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Past performance is not a guide to, nor does it guarantee, future performance.
You should be aware that the value of an investment can fall as well as rise and that investors may not get back the amount they invested.

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate tax advice or trusts or cash flow modelling.